Birthday good vibes at Blue Palawan


Like I talked about in my post on the Puerto Princesa Underground River, I spent the weekend of my birthday in Palawan. Normally, on the day of my birthday, I do something that could be considered adrenaline-inducing. This year, however, I heard of this place in Puerto Princesa that was pretty chill, and I decided to kick back and give the thrill-seeking a rest.

Blue Palawan is actually pretty near the airport and the city center, being a fifteen-minute ride away, but once you’re inside, it certainly doesn’t feel so. It’s like a curtain is drawn around you and all you can see and hear is the ocean.

When we first stepped inside the beach club, I was immediately overcome with a sense of calm and relaxation. I mean, look at this. Doesn’t this just wanna make you plunge into that cold water and let all your worries drift away?

The staff was pretty nice, too. Honestly, I’m not one of those people who gets pissed off by bad service or unfriendly waiters. Someone stays on their feet the whole day carrying around trays and plates and fending off rude customers, I figure they’ve earned the right to be a little bitchy. Unless a server like, I don’t know, actively endangers my life or does something to get me hurt, I usually let tiny stuff and little mistakes go. But honestly, the staff here was great. They were friendly, explained how the entrance fee worked, made recommendations for drinks and lunch, and even suggested we go paddle-boarding to make the most of our stay at the resort.

We spent the morning paddling around the beach, making our way to a mangrove forest just to the left of the resort. I feel like when exploring mangroves, paddle-boarding or kayaking would be the best way to do it. Mangrove forests rely heavily on the complex tangle of prop roots which allow the mangrove system to handle the rise and fall of the tides. Motorized boats could possibly damage these roots, so paddle-boards and kayaks which rely on manpower would be the ideal way to get up close and personal with these miracles of nature.

(Not a scientist though, so if I’m wrong, please do correct me!)

After that intense arm workout, we returned to the resort for lunch. And the food? Was great. Absolutely fantastic value for your money, because the servings were HUGE. And I’m saying this as one of those girls who’s perpetually hungry. We ordered cheeseburgers, pancit canton, French fries, and seafood salad. Unfortunately, no pictures of the food because we ate everything before I remembered to take them. Hahaha.

After eating, we pretty much just stayed by the pool with cocktails and books, took naps, and played around in the water. Can I just say, Blue Palawan’s playlist is so chill. Total “I got nothing to worry about” house music vibes. I kind of wanted to ask one of the poolboys if I could have it, haha.

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We didn’t stay overnight at the resort, but I have heard nothing but good things about their accommodations, so if anyone gets the chance, please let me know how it went!

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It wasn’t my most exciting birthday, but birthdays don’t always have to be pumped and full of adrenaline, right? I got to eat great food, went paddle-boarding through a really cool mangrove forest, swam in a cool blue pool, and got a great tan.

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I rarely bandy about the words “good vibrations”, because I feel like they’re cheesy and overused, but man did Blue Palawan have some intensely good vibrations.

Check them out at their website here, their Facebook, or their Instagram!

2 thoughts on “Birthday good vibes at Blue Palawan

  1. This looks really nice Kate
    I’m sure it was fun too 😍
    By the way, I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!
    Details are on my blog.
    Have an awesome weekend!


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